It's been a while again since I have posted here. I am still sick. I went back to the Doctor's again this past Monday and think I am finally on the mend. I was having bronchial spasms and my bronchial tubes were collapsing on each other. Today is the first day since I was laid off from work that I have been able to breath almost normally. It's funny that in the 10 years I worked at the bank, I was hardly ever out sick. I had 300 hours on the books for Personal Time Off that I didn't even use, nor did I get paid for when I left. I sure would have used it had I still been employed there. lol Of course, I probably would have gotten over this sooner had I not had the stress. It just makes you realize, if you don't have your health, you don't have anything.
Hope to be back soon with more of my creations! Enjoy and thanks for looking!