Here is one of my latest projects....Apple Butter. Do you find that people inspire you? I know I do. A lady in my craft group does canning. I saw her beautiful prepared fruits which brought back memories of all the jams, jellies, and sauces I used to put up this time of year in Connecticut.

Here in Georgia it is still in the high 80's and 90's and too hot to can. But I got this brilliant idea to make Apple Butter in my crock pot. That way I wouldn't heat up the house cooking. But, then I had the dilemma of how I was going to process the filled jars in a water bath without the cooking heat again being in the house. Well, my dh who loves my homemade jams and jellies brought out the turkey fryer which my canning pot fit on and set it up outside in our barbecue grilling area...problem solved. It worked beautifully. I will be making pumpkin butter soon!!! lol If there is a will there is a way.

I used my stamping in this project by stamping an apple and writing what is in the jars. On the back I wrote, "From the Kitchen of", just in case I give these to friends. You can't see in the picture, but I did put some sparkles around the apple and it looks really sweet.

So, on some of my stamp scouting trips, I will be looking for some fruit stamps that I can use in this way. I can't wait to start the pumpkin butter, because the apple butter made the house smell scrumptious. If you would like to have the recipe for this apple butter, please leave me a comment here and I will email it to you. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!
MMMM, sounds delicious, someone is lucky to recieve one of these and they are packaged so cute!
Yummy Carol, how cool is that, Ya'all in joy that Southern girl!!
I can just imagine how yummy you house must smell! Very cute tags too! I've been making zucchini bread just so my house will smell SO good! :) Michelle
Carol--please send my the receipe, and if you don't mind the recipe for the pumpkin butter also. I've never had pumpkin butter, but it sounds yummy!!! You've been very very busy! TFS
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